The Writing Life
Before art making took over, writing was a way to translate a life engaged in process. Each of the books included here is a labor of love that embraces and shares a particular point of view.
Shades of Love and Loss: Caring for a Partner with Dementia
SHADES OF LOVE AND LOSS portrays my experience as a caregiver for my husband while he retreated bit by bit into the lost land of Alzheimer’s. A love story, a tale of challenge, pain and limitations, self-care amidst loss and overwhelm is the focus. The long goodbye impacts the patient and all who surround them. There is no looking back.
Dramatic Psychological Story Telling: Using Expressive Arts and Psychotheatrics
In Dramatic Psychological Storytelling the authors present a seven-step model for insight and change, anchored by the expressive arts and the action method, Psychotheatrics. CONTENTS: Preface – PART I: CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS – Destination orJourney? – Intersubjective Meaning – Expressive Arts – Dramatic Psychological Storytelling Model – PART II: THE SEVEN EXPRESSIVE ARTS – Narrative – Film – Theatre – Music – Visual Art – Dance and Kinaesthetics – Ritual and Epic – PART III: PSYCHOTHEATRICS – Imaginal – Playwright – Montage – PART IV: APPLICATIONS – Clinical and Counseling – Human Resources – Education and Awareness – Facilitator Skills – Bibliography
ROB ALLEN was a Lecturer in Organizational and Forensic Psychology at Charles Sturt University, Australia. Rob Allen passed away after a short illness in December 2006.
NINA KREBS worked as a psychotherapist and consultant for three decades. Since then she has been an artist.
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan; 1st edition (June 12, 2007)
ISBN-10: 023050681X
ISBN-13: 978-0230506817
Edgewalkers: Defusing Cultural Boundaries on the New Global Frontier
Edgewalkers are people who belong to two or more ethnic, cultural, or spiritual worlds. They reject both the idea of “melting pot” conformity and multiculturalism with its tendency to emphasize differences. Edgewalkers embrace their cultural complexity as they engage in mainstream society. Through in-depth interviews, Krebs shares Edgewalkers’ struggles and triumphs as they forge the uncharted territory of the new global frontier. Krebs, a corporate consultant and psychologist, summarizes her interviews with 40 individuals.
Publisher: New Horizon Press; 1 edition (September 1, 1999)
ISBN-10: 0882821849
ISBN-13: 978-0882821849
Changing Women Changing Work
A revolutionary and practical guide for women surviving in the male-dominated workplace considers the issues of maintaining integrity and fitting a woman’s way of working into the corporate world.
Feminine ways of working can allow women to advance; but most suppress these ways of working in order to move ahead. Changing Woman Changing Work tells how to draw on inner strengths and creativity in order to reestablish lost feminine connections and enhance work efforts. Excellent practical tips are imparted, along with suggestions for self-improvement and exercises for psychological strength. –Midwest Book Review
Publisher: Macmurray & Beck Communication (March 1995)
ISBN-10: 1878448579
ISBN-13: 978-1878448576
Psychotheatrics, the New Art of Self-Transformation
PSYCHOTHEATRICS describes an action process useful in psychotherapy, theater, educational or corporate settings. Unlike psychodrama in which a protagonist embodies roles as part of the action, the protagonist serves at the director/producer of the drama and observes others perform roles and scenes they (the client) created.
ROB ALLEN was a Lecturer in Organizational and Forensic Psychology at Charles Sturt University, Australia. Rob Allen passed away after a short illness in December 2006.
NINA KREBS worked as a psychotherapist and consultant for three decades. Since then she has been an artist.
Publisher: Garland Press STPM New York, 1979.
ISBN: 0-8240-7007-0
My Mother-Myself: Glimpses into The Complicated Mother-Daughter Relationship
Two essays in My Mother-Myself: Glimpses into The Complicated Mother-Daughter Relationship, Bobbie Spivey, Billie Ruth Furuichi and Edy Henderson, River Sanctuary Publishing, 2015
Bobbie Spivey, the author who invited me to contribute, is a no-nonsense person with a sense of humor that doesn’t quit. She consistently received the library’s prize for reading the most books over the summer when she was a kid, great background for her literary competence. My contributions are: “Mother’s Intentions” and “Death and Duck Feet”. They are happy among their peers
Publisher: River Sanctuary Publishing (April 2015)
ISBN-10: 1935914588
ISBN-13: 978-1935914587